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Brigitte NaHoN

Bruno Art Group is proud to present for the first time in a gallery in Israel, the artist Brigitte NaHoN’s. For 30 years, Brigitte NaHoN has been working on the concept of balance and imbalance in sculpture, in drawing and in painting with various media and experimenting with scale. As the artist says, “My artistic approach rests on the conviction that we all bear the responsibility in experiencing the world with its unpredictable balance which let the beauty of life appears.”

Born on December 23rd, in Nice (France) Brigitte NaHoN has received with Honors a Master of Fine Arts at The Provence University in Aix-en-Provence and a MFA II (D.E.A of Arts Plastiques) at Paris I Panthéon-la Sorbonne.

By exploring the limits of life with subtle and radical oppositions, physically and mentally, Brigitte NaHoN questions fragility and solidity, heaviness and lightness, transparency, emptiness and fullness of space using an un-limited variety of materials, of forms, of lines, with or without color.  She pushes limits of life, of space and of time in her being and her artwork with different medium, various scales with Public art, or small works for tiny space.

Brigitte NaHoN creates a link between paradoxes of life to reach essential suspended feelings of balance, of un-limited ways to see the same sculpture using small or large dimensions of works on site-specific or not.

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Certificate in Art Jewelry, Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art.


    Yuri Stern Honors 2017 in Sculpture.



                     Aliyah (10th July), French born became Israeli citizen.



       As a national treasure interest in arts for The United States of America became American citizen.


                                Artist in Residency, The Dune Eco. Beach, Tamil Nadu, India.


            2005 to present               


Who is Who (France) as an international artist.




Award & Grant: Villa Medicis Hors les Murs, French Foreigners Affairs Ministry.

  Went and lived in New York City 14 years.




First Award in Fine Arts (Sculpture), Salon de Montrouge, France.




Award & Grant for the creativity in Arts, Direction Regionale d’Art Contemporain (DRAC) Iles- de- France, Paris.


    1985- 1989       


Studies for PHD in Fine Arts, Paris I Sorbonne University.


Participation into The Researches on Aesthetic, C.N.R.S (French National Center Researches Scientific) with Professor René Passeron, Paris.




MFA II in Fine Arts Graduated with Honors, Paris I Sorbonne University, Paris.




MFA I in Fine Arts Graduated with Excellency, Provence University

Aix- en- Provence, France.

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