Maxim Wakultschik
Maxim Wakultschik's art consists of mathematically precise and accurate constructions that create formal order from the chaos of independent elements. In his complex and multilayered objects he ex- plores the interplay between light and shadow, surface structure and color vibration. Focusing on the effect of the reflexion of the ambient light results in oscillating variations of reality that constantly chal- lenge us to a proactive approach. His works perpetually change as the slightest movement, the small- est alteration in perspective leads to stunning new impressions, turning his works into kinetic objects. The edges of reality and illusion are blurred and become flexible constructs of the individual, which constantly challenge us to push the boundaries of our perception.
Optical Portraits

Asol 2018 Optical Portraits Wood Upright Series lacquer on wood on Kapa board behind acrylic glass cover 57x 43 cm 22 1/2 x 16 2/3 x 3 1/2 in

Louisa 2017 Optical Portraits Wood Upright Series lacquer on wood on Kapa board behind acrylic glass cover 80 x 60 x 9 cm 31 1/2 x 23 2/3 x 3 1/2 in
Solo Exhibitions
Aljoscha – Bioethical Aberrations / Maxim Wakultschik – Polymorphismus, Städtische Galerie "sohle 1", Bergkamen, Germany
Reflecting, Flickering, Trickling, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
Shape Shifting, Städtische Galerie Schwabach, Schwabach, Germany
In and Out of Focus, curated by COVA Art Gallery, het Archief, Eindhoven, The Netherlands​
architecture meets art, Galeria Simon Nolte at Burkhard Reinsch's Villa La Vida, Majorca, Spain
One Thousand and One, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
The New Art Order, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Illusion or Deception, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
The Illusion of Perception, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
New Works, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, GermanyBlurred Boundaries, COVA art gallery, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Maxim’s World of Art, Art Galerie 7 / Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany
Malerei, Paintings, Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany
New Works by Maxim Wakultschik, Galerie Simon Nolte Münster, Germany
Perspective Three, TRIBU HOUSE, Geneva, Switzerland
onuments, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Art meets Fashion – Inline unlimited, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Portrait. Form, Color, Illusion, NEW AG, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Faces, Unique Gallery, Galerie Claudia Junig, Cologne, Germany
Facetime 2.0, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
Maxim Wakultschik – Time Window, Kunstverein Gundelfingen, Gundelfingen, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – Facial Features, Train of Faces – Painting and Objects), Kunstverein Heidenheim a. d. Brenz, Heidenheim a. d. Brenz, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – The secret Gaze, Alte Honigfabrik, Kunstverein Ib- benbüren, Ibbenbüren, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – At second Glance), Galerie Palais Walderdorff, Gesell- schaft für Bildende Kunst Trier e.V., Trier, Germany
Face to Face, Museum im Haus Hövener, Kunstverein Östliches Sauerland, Brilon, Germany
Face Time, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
Maxim Wakultschik – Face Time, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
The Poetics of Everyday Life, Kunstverein Aurich, Aurich, Germany​
Wakultschik – The Art of Shadow, Kunstverein Nümbrecht, Nümbrecht, Germany
Face to Face, Alte Brennerei, Kunstverein Ebersberg, Ebersberg, Germany
Night Train to Moscow, Kunstverein Biberach, Biberach, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik, Galerie Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland
New Objects, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Hall of Fame, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Trainspotting, Municipal Gallery, Versandhalle Grevenbroich, Grevenbroich, Germany
FaceTime, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Maxim Wakultschik – Paintings, Wall Objects, Galerie BMB, Ams- terdam, The Netherlands
Maxim Wakultschik, Roland Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – Painter, Sculptor, The Raymond Banas Art Gallery
and House of Culture, Metz, France
The Secret Gaze, Kunstsammlungen der Stadt Limburg, Limburg a. d. Lahn, Germany
real – not real, Kunstverein Barsinghausen e.V., Barsinghausen, Germany
East-West Night Train, Städtische Galerie Petershagen, Petershagen, Germany​
Maxim Wakultschik – Painting, Turmgalerie Schloss Augustusburg, Augustusburg, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – Painting, Yukiya Izuminta – Sculpture, Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany
Ambivalences, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – East-West Night Train, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Pretense and Reality, Kunstverein Oberhausen, Oberhausen, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – East-West Night Train, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Maxim Wakultschik – Deception, Burkhard Eikelmann Com, Düsseldorf, Germany
Deception, Kunsthalle Neuufer am Park, Pirmasens, Germany
Dualities, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Snare, Kunstraum Glashaus, Düsseldorf, Germany
Identity, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
New Works, Municipal Gallery Blaushaus, Xanten, Germany
Face to Face, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Face to Face, Galerie Studio 40, Düsseldorf, German
Model Human, Kunst & Museum, Hollfeld, Germany
New Works, HWL Galerie und Edition, Düsseldorf, Germany​
art three rooms, Kunsthaus Mettmann e.V., Mettmann, Germany
Group Exhibitions
Art Ruhr Zeitgenossen, Auktionshaus an der Ruhr, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
Viva Frida! An Homage to Frida Kahlo, Go Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Summer Contemporary 2019, The House of Fine Art, Nammos Village, Mykonos, Greece
Viva Frida! An Homage to Frida Kahlo, Go Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Flowing Colors, courtesy von fraunberg art gallery, Taylor Wessing, Düsseldorf, Germany
Academy Artists, Quirin Bank, Düsseldorf, Germany
RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2019, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece
Personal Structures/Open Borders, presented by ECC European Cultural Centre in the context of the 58th Venice, Biennale, Venice, Italy
Belkina, Dóka, Wakultschik: Portraits and Storytelling, Faur Zsófi Galéria, Budapest, HungaryBehind, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
1x1 Detonation, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany​
Third Dimension, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
The Power of Portraits, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Q V A N T U M, HOFA Gallery, West Hollywood, California, USA
ZBOR In Progress, y Gallery, Minsk, Belarus (with Revision Group)
Q V A N T U M, HOFA Gallery, London, UK
FO YOU Voluntary Art Liaison, Berlin, Germany
42 Contemporary Artists, EAF Enter Art Foundation, Berlin, Germany
U_K Bang_Gang @W57, Düsseldorf Cologne Open Galleries, Düsseldorf, Germany
Night of Museums and Galleries, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
XIX Trialog w Krynkach, Belarusian Outside, Fundacja Villa Sokrates, Krynki, Poland
Todos podem ser Frida, All can be Frida, Espacio Gallery, London, UK
Way to the East, Art Center La Recova, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Home, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Summer 2018, Galleria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2018, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece
Zeitgeist, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
The large Format, Art Galerie 7/Meike Knueppe, Cologne, Germany
New Works, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, GermanyAll in ..., von fraunberg art galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Masterpieces, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Defragmentation of the Reality, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
salondergegenwart, Hamburg, Germany
The small Format, Art Galerie 7/Meike Knueppe, Cologne, Germany
BiaÅ‚o – czerwono – biali. Współczesna sztuka biaÅ‚oruska, White – Red – White. Contemporary Belarusian Art, Centre of Contemporary Art, Torun, Poland
MONOCHROME – Art Utilizing Primarily One Color, M A N I F E S T, Non-Profit Creative Research Gallery and Dra- wing Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Discover as on a Journey, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Invitation, COVA art gallery, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Group Exhibition for the Skulptur Projekte Münster, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Sculptures & Objects, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY 2017, Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Griechenland
WE THE WOMAN, Atelier des Bains, Geneva, Switzerland, with Galerie Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland​
Inseparable, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
Happy new Drawings and other Objects, Gallery Burkhard Eikelmann, Düsseldorf, Germany
Now U see it's Xmas Season, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Christmas Exhibition 2016, Stiftung Starke, Löwenpalais Grunewald, Berlin, GermanyPure Pop – The Art of Popular Culture, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
50 Contemporary Artists, EAF, ENTER ART FOUNDATION bei ABC Berlin, Berlin Art Week, Berlin, Germany
Art After Work,, Düsseldorf, Germany
Zeitgeist, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Split or Division?, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
XX Part One – 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Revision, ZBOR. BELARUSIAN ART MOVEMENT in IZOLYATSIA, Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kiev, Ukraine
Season StART, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
SUPREME Sculpture – Painting – Installation, Art Galerie 7/Meike Knüppe, Cologne, Germany
Pixel of Identities – The Body Language, Bogota Arte Contemporaneo BAC Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia
Liquid Rooms – The Labyrinth, Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi & VENICE ART HOUSE Gallery, Venice, Italy
Gallery Artists, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Centennial Anniversary of Kazimir Malevich's Black Square. 10 Artists x 10 square meters of Art, 20th gallery anniversary show, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
Grand Opening, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
New Works, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Art Boulevard 2015. Painting and Photography, cultural council Steglitz-Zehlendorf with Boulevard Berlin, Berlin, Germany
#BYOA #Proudcollector, Woeske Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Revision, Foundation Izolyatsia, Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kiev, Ukraine
ZBIÓR (ZBOR) (Set (Zbor)), group project Revision, Galeria Arsenał, Białystok, Poland
Magic of the Real, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Naked, Nave Gallery Annex, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
Behind the Scenes, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Future Identities – Bodies. Places. Spaces., Laura Haber Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Future Identities – Bodies. Places. Spaces., International Photography, Painting, Installation, Video Art, and Perfor- mance Art Festival im Palazzo Radetzky, Milan, Italy
Season Art 4.0, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
Portfolio: Reality and Illusion, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
MODERN VENUS, Kunstraum Gerdi Gutperle, Viernheim, Germany
Men's Worlds, Kunstverein Burgwedel-Isernhagen, Isernhagen, Germany
NordArt 2014, KiC Kunst in der Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany
Myth & Muse, an Homage to Frida Kahlo, GO Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Under 4 Eyes – Language of the Portrait, Altes Rathaus, Kunstkreis Gräfelfing, Gräfeling, Germany
AFTER THE FAIR & NEW POSITIONS, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Gallery's Choice, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
No Time Like the Present, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
small but just in size ..., BESPOKE, Düsseldorf, Germany
20 Years Galerie Ruetz – Anniversary Exhibition, Galerie an der Pi- nakothek der Moderne, Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany
Human Dreams, Human Spaces, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, GermanyAwakening into Color. Part I, Taylor Wessing, Düsseldorf, Germany​
Ensemble Terrible, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
New Works, Galerie an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Barbara Ruetz, Munich, Germany
On the eternal Journey, E.ON Galerie, E.ON AG, Düsseldorf, Germany
NEWart.21, Galeria Simon Nolte, Portocolom, Majorca, Spain
Nomads, CMG Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Showroom – Festival of Museums and Galleries in Münster, Galerie Simon Nolte, Münster, Germany
Summertime, von fraunberg Art Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Radius Zero, temporäre space, Fabrik „Horizont”, Minsk, BelarusGallery Artists, Galerie Frank Pages, Geneva, Switzerland
Gallery 212, Miami, Florida, USA
OPEN HOUSE 2012, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
The Castle Complex, Castle Gomel, Gomel, Belarus
3 Year Anniversary, Christian Marx Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
In between Days, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
New States of Contemporary Art, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
Review and Outlook – 7 Years Galerie T40, Galerie T40, Düsseldorf, Germany
Gallery Artists, Galerie Frank Pages, Crans-Montana, Switzerland
Ambivalences, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
Mobility 6: Inside Movement, Förderverein für junge Künstler e. V. – Galerie im Gries- bad, Ulm, Germany
ON WHAT?, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Seewerk 2010, das SEEWERK, Moers, Germany
Gallery Artists, Galerie Michael Nolte, Münster, Germany
Revision Group, Who is afraid of the Museum?, Museum Hof van Busleyden, Mechelen, Belgium
Gallery Artists, Galerie Frank Pages, Baden-Baden, Germany
Public Inside, von fraunberg art gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Closely Watched Trains, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Light Switch, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
War of the Angels – Young Russian Ar, Galerie Oben, Chemnitz, Germany
War of the Angels – Young Russian Art, Kunstverein Talstrasse e. V., Halle a. d. Saale, Germany
Gallery Artists, Galerie Ruethmueller Contemporary Art, Basel, Switzerland
Revision Group, The simple Art of Parody, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, TaiwanSwitch on – Gräfelfing, Kunstkreis Gräfelfing, Germany
Wer bin ich? (Who am I?), Bürgerhaus Hürth, Hürth, Germany
Gallery Artists – Recent Works, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Russian Variations, Stiftung Landdrostei, Pinneberg, Germany
Our Favorites, Bereznitsky Gallery, Berlin, Germany
GOOD-BY, Temporary Art Space "Für Fortgeschrittene", Berlin, Germany
RCS – Russian Contemporary Show, HAN JIN YUN Contemporary Space Gallery, Beijing, China
Belarusian Perspectives, Arsenal Galerie, Białystok, Poland
Annual Gifts, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany​
Revision, Bereznitsky Gallery Berlin, Berlin, GermanyWhite, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Revision, Bereznitsky Gallery Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
ART ARSENAL, Municipal Art Forum Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine​
Photo, Christine Hölz Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
Dualities, Anya Tish Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
Gallery Artists, Municipal Gallery Kaarst, Kaarst, Germany
Motion, Dynamics and Power, Municipal Gallery Schwingeler Hof, Wesseling, Germany​
Current Belarusian Art, National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia
Gallery Artists, Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst e.V., Berlin, Germany
Revision, Kunstforum BBK, Düsseldorf, Germany
Co-operative Experience, Galerie Christine Hölz, Düsseldorf, Germany
New Works, Cubus Kunsthalle, Duisburg, Germany
5. Kunstkreuz 2004, Kulturring in Berlin e.V., Berlin, Germany
New Works, Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum, Hagen, Germany
Emprise Art Award 2003, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany
Light Space Europe, Reithalle im Klenzepark, Ingolstadt, Germany
Tension, Shadows and Light, Municipal Gallery Schwingeler Hof, Wesseling,
New Works, Museum Baden, Solingen, Germany
12. International Print Biennale, Graphic Art Gallery, Varna, Bulgaria
Sixpack, Dieter Fischer Galerie, Dortmund, Germany
enclose, limitless, exclude, Museum Voswinckelshof, Dinslaken, Germany
Emprise Art Award 2002, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany
7. Kunstbombe, Flottmann-Hallen, Herne, Germany
Painting Time, Hetjens Museum Deutsches Keramikmuseum, Düsseldorf, Germany
23. Internationale Hollfelder Kunstausstellung, Hollfeld, Germany
6. Kunstbombe, Flottmann-Hallen, Herne, Germany
Expo-Project for World Exhibition, Hofanlage, Holzminden, Germany
Net, Galerie Seidel, Cologne, Germany
Miniatur 2000, Orangerie Schloss Rheda, Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany
Emprise Art Award 2000, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany
Man as Opportunity, Museum im Schloss Fürstenberg, Fürstenberg, Germany